The Year of Transformation
Whether you celebrate the New Year of the Gregorian calendar, the new year after the wheel has turned during the winter solstice, the Chinese new year or that of the ancients that places the true new year in the spring, we are on a new trajectory of time.
Regardless of when it is celebrated, we are all on a new timeline towards transformation. 2025 is a nine year numerically and nine represents stepping into completion, a wrapping up of what has been. It will be a year of deep shedding urging us to move more to the center of our hearts than our head. Ultimately, we will be on a journey of uniting both heart and head, or the masculine and feminine. For too long power over has dominated how the world has acted. Now, we’re being asked to re-member the feminine, to gather the parts we have exiled and reassemble into wholeness. This journey towards the feminine isn’t towards meekness but rather towards a power that has strength to transform, to acts with softness, kindness, rather than cruelty. To lead with inclusive power rather than a “us against them” mentality that creates power borne of fear and lack.
As we come into 2025, what are the lessons we have learned in the last nine years? What wisdom, and gifts have we come into? What has changed in our life? What is still lingering? As we approach and dive into this nine year, we are being asked to tend to what has not been tended to. We are being asked to reflect on what has been, what feels done, what’s no longer needed. This year we are being asked to wrap up the old that no longer serves our highest timeline. What began in 2017? Start from there and see what has unfolded in life for you.
For me, 2017 was a monumental year of change. It was the year my husband died and the year my life changed in powerful ways. Those chain of events has been guiding my life all these years and now I find myself sitting in a completely new paradigm. I’ve sold my home, given away most of what I owned and I am starting over. I’m not starting over from a place of what I know but from a place of the unknown. As a nomad and wanderer living from my suitcase, from friends house to my lover’s home, to soon living in a new country for a few months, I’ve decided to toss myself into new seas and learn how to swim in a different way. I’ve realized that I need to un-know myself before I decide what I truly want in this next chapter of life. Doing for the sake of doing no longer brings me satisfaction.
My whole life I’ve done what I thought life expected of me. I followed the rules of my parents, of society. I went to school, got the degrees, got married, had the children, got the job, etc. Now, I am choosing to do the unexpected. To unfollow the rules set by parents, culture, institutions, and dare to follow my own path and heart. What do I want? I’m choosing to be a bit radical in my fifties and find a new way of being. Frankly, it’s scary but I’m more curious than afraid. Who am I? Who do I want to be? In this nine year, I get to craft my life for myself and that’s damn exciting.
We are living in extraordinary times now, the timelines has sped up for the young and the old alike. It use to be that only older folks felt the speed of time, now it’s all beings feeling the speed of time. As we step into this year of transformation, here are a few things that I downloaded as I tapped into the cosmic energy of this year:
Be gentle and easy with yourself as things will change and move quickly this year. Take plenty of time to rest.
Spend more time in nature as this will help your nervous system to self-regulate so you can co-regulate with those around you.
Less is more. Resist the urge to do more. Less will be your friend this year as you unpack what is no longer needed in your life.
Move from the heart. This year more than any other we will be asked to activate power from our heart. We’ve led with the head all these years and we’ve become stuck, now the invitation is to lead and trust from the heart to move forward.
Listen to your body more. The body is giving clues as to what is truly taking place internally. Listen to all the sensations that arises. What is being asked of you? Perhaps you’re being asked to let go of certain foods you once enjoyed but they no longer feel good in your system. Maybe, it’s a change in your exercise routine. Whatever it may be, the body will be an active guide in your journey this year so listen and take action.
Emotions are key. Emotions are energy in motion. What will yours be telling you? Are you giving your emotions permission to pass through without resistance or are they being blocked by fear? When we allow emotions to flow we are allowing matter to be released rather than stay in our bodies and tissues where dis-ease can form. Feel, honor, acknowledge, and let go.
Creativity will be a bright light. As we go through massive changes this year, lean closer into your creative center as this will shift your awareness quickly. Think about intuitive art, dance, writing, building, anything that pulls you from the head of logic to the heart of creative becoming.
See beyond the normal. We will be asked to “see” beyond. Meaning, go beyond the superficial to the deep. What is really at play? Each experience brings its own lessons, gifts, and wisdom. We’ll be asked to go beyond sitting in victim mode to creator mode to see the meaning behind why you drew a particular experience into your reality. This is key to shifting your frequency and vibration.
Speak the language of compassion. You’ll need this not just for yourself this year but also for others. Remember that everyone else is also undergoing radical changes even if it seems they are not from the outside. Don’t be so quick to judge. Walking with compassion helps us to meet each other with kindness and reverence for this human journey we are all on.
Teachers and guides won’t necessarily show up in the form of a human but in our experiences. Our experiences will be our biggest teachers and guides. We will move beyond looking at celebrities and influencers as our teachers and more to what is actually taking place in our lives. Our experiences will shape and show us the way forward. As a result, we’ll be asked to intentionally be present to the events taking place in our lives as they will be our biggest teachers.
As we welcome this numerical year of nine and also the Year of the Snake, we will be challenged to release what no longer serves us on the journey ahead. Lets walk with intention with every step we take and with an inner awareness that will guide us forward in greater love rather than great fear. When we stop clinging to the ideal that a government or anyone outside of ourselves can change the true nature of our lives, we become sovereign beings. We become the Christ Consciousness and we activate that power from within.
We are stronger than we imagine and give ourselves credit for and we’re being asked to take a gigantic leap of faith into awakening our true selves. As we step into looking at all the areas of our lives this year, choosing what stays, what goes, we will be anchoring in the creative force that exists within us to create the new life that we know we are deserving of. We are worthy of it.
May the new year reveal the magic that is waiting to be unwrapped in your life. May the Divine Mother guide us lovingly to our hearts and to taking heart-centered action.
Happy New You✨✨✨